Thank you for giving into the Kingdom of God
By choosing to give, you are choosing to make a difference!
Going Bananas International Inc
Where Love Meets Action
We have found the most Secure and Safe donation platform
"Give Butter"
It's the highest rated Donor Management Service
Rated #1 in Security, Safety and Trust!
I have other Missionary friends that have used it for years with full Confidence!
You can choose from our "Give Now" link or
by using your smartphone camera point it at the QR Code below and
click on the link that pops up on the screen
Once redirected to the new page
Choose your One-Time or Monthly Giving,
Choose the amount, click Continue
To remove: Click on the % area
Click "Other"
add: a 0 (ZER0)
This "tip" is unneeded as they receive a processing fee
There will be a 3% processing fee that will be added on. It is one of the lowest in the industry and streamlines the process for us all.
You have the option of placing the processing fee into the donation to be removed from the donation itself. To place that fee into the donation click on the Edit next to the fee and remove the check mark
The Last Step... Almost there!
Fill out the Billing Informaton
and then Click "Pay"
You're Done! Welcome to Going Bananas International and Promise Home!
QR Code for Safe and Secure Giving